Spinal Cord Injury

Disease name Spinal Cord Injury
Classfication Nervous system disease
Related Enzyme(s)
Definition A spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord that causes temporary or permanent changes in its function.

Gene symbol Species Enzyme Editing site(s) Editing Type PMID RADAR REDIportal Description
GRIA3 Rat ADAR2 1 A-to-I The molecular changes set in motion by SCI that affect the channel properties of AMPA receptors. SCI strongly reduced the level of AMPA receptor R/G editing, the reduced editing at the R/G site of glutamate receptor subunits (GluRs) is likely to reduce post-synaptic excitatory responses to glutamate, thus limiting the progression of cell death; however, prolonged suppression of GluR function in later stages may hinder synaptic plasticity.
GRIA4 Rat ADAR2 1 A-to-I The molecular changes set in motion by SCI that affect the channel properties of AMPA receptors. SCI strongly reduced the level of AMPA receptor R/G editing, the reduced editing at the R/G site of glutamate receptor subunits (GluRs) is likely to reduce post-synaptic excitatory responses to glutamate, thus limiting the progression of cell death; however, prolonged suppression of GluR function in later stages may hinder synaptic plasticity.